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Ryan Hughes


Ryan Hughes

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I grew up in northwest Missouri on a farm with an incredible family. From a young age, I believed in God and that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. However, I did not see the need for forgiveness because I thought I was a good kid. Through the course of high school and freshman year of college, God began to convict me of my sin and the hypocrisy I lived in. I knew I was not a Christian, but did not know what I was missing. Basketball was my source of identity and purpose my whole life and when that was torn down during my freshman year of college basketball I was left crying out to God, asking why am I alive. During my sophomore year of college, God revealed the beauty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to me at an FCA event. It was through a young woman's testimony that the Holy Spirit led me to repent of my sins and place my faith in Jesus Christ, as the only way that I may be saved from God's judgment for my lack of righteousness. After being saved the Lord began to mature me in my faith through the ministry of my local church that I grew up in and by being discipled by the leader of the FCA event. 

During Covid in the summer of 2020, the Lord laid it strongly on my heart that He was calling me to ministry. After being confirmed in this calling by men in my local church, I surrendered to God's call. I served one year, alongside my wife, as a Young Adult ministry leader at Renovation Church in St. Joe, Missouri (Nov. 2021-Oct. 2022). God then led us back to the church we grew up in to serve as members while I finished Seminary at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Masters of Theological Studies. Now God has led us to this wonderful congregation at FBC Macks Creek. 

The best decision I have made in my life (next to following Jesus) was marrying my wife Emily. We have one incredible daughter that we are blessed to raise: Daya Dorothy Hughes. 

My passion is to preach, pray, love, and stay at FBC Macks Creek to see the saints built up in Christ and the lost saved by Christ, all for the glory of God.